Some Habits Of Really Healthy Women

Some Habits Of Really Healthy Women

A.     Healthy women cultivate friendships.
B.     she take medication seriously.
C.     she should have great sex -- coupled and alone ..
D.    she breastfeed -- if possible.
E.    she watch their alcohol consumption.
F.     She can meditate.
G.   She can prioritize sleep.
H.   She can eat according to their life stage ...

#1 Eat a healthy diet.  Eat whole grains and high-fiber foods and choose leaner cuts of meat, fish, and poultry. “You want to eat as close to a natural foods diet as you can ,That means a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and fewer processed foods.

#2. Exercise. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in America, but plenty of exercise can help keep your heart healthy. Aerobic exercises (walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling, dancing) are good for women’s health in general. You want to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week, if not every day.

 #3 Sun safely. Excessive exposure to the sun’s harmful rays can cause skin cancer, which can be deadly. To protect against skin cancer, wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 if you are going to be outdoors for more than a few minutes
but the basics of women’s health remain the same. If you follow these six simple healthy living tips, you will improve your quality of life for years to come.A woman’s health needs change as she ages.

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woman health and fitness: health tips every woman should know

woman health and fitness: health tips every woman should know :  health tips every woman should know Hello,  welcome to my blog    https://w...