Healthy Eating 
The food and drink choices you make every day affect your health now and later in life. Choosing healthy foods and drinks more often can help prevent or manage many health problems that affect women. And studies show that when a woman eats healthy, everyone in her household is more likely to eat healthy.1,

The basics of healthy eating and good nutrition are the same for women and men: Choose healthy foods most of the time and limit the amount of unhealthy foods you eat. But women have some unique nutritional needs, especially in different stages of life. And healthy eating can be difficult to fit into your everyday life.

Healthy eating helps:
  • Your body get the essential vitamins and minerals you need to stay alive and healthy. For example, your body needs iron to help deliver oxygen to all of your muscles and organs. Vitamin C helps your body make new skin cells and collagen. Vitamin A helps you see better at night.
  • You reach and maintain a healthy weight
  • Keep fit your body with daily exercise.
  • Take healthy diet and avoid fast foods.
  • Don’t’s eat food rich in fiber and don’t eat sugar.
  • You can avoid sugar sweetened drinks or foods.
  • Exercise can help you to stay fit and fine  with very effective  at reducing 
  • Your body and brain get the energy you need to think and be physically active.
  • woman health & fitness

health and fitness

Stay forever young with these 5 healthy lifestyle tips

1.Eat responsibly, ladies

As women are increasingly participating in the workforce, the foodservice market is growing. Many women, traditionally responsible for their family’s diet, no longer have as much time to prepare home cooked meals. At the same time, the increased income that results from their employment means they are more frequently able to eat out – something previously regarded as a luxury – and buy more prepared meals to eat at home.

2.Sleep for enough hoursOne reason for premature aging is not getting enough sleep. In our busy lives, we tend to not take care of ourselves. For a healthy and good night's sleep, it is important to sleep for 7-to-8 hours.

3.Say no to caffeine Caffeine is the key ingredient of coffee. So, what we are trying to tell you is that, limit your number of coffee cups and avoid black coffee in case you are addicted to it.Caffeine is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug, as per the facts.

4.Release your stressIn every day's rising clamour, take out time to connect with yourself. For a peaceful mind, meditation is the best way to cleanse your body and soul. So, stay calm and meditate whenever you get time in the day. Ideally, 15-20 minutes of meditation every day may help in living a better lifestyle.


Every fourth woman in India has this disease, yet unaware ..

भारत में हर चौथी महिला को है यह रोग, फिर भी हैं अनजान...

भारत में हर चौथी महिला इस रोग से परेशान है फिर भी वह इससे अंजान हैं... यह हम नहीं कहते, यह कहता है नई दिल्ली स्थित अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान यानी (AIIMS). AIIMS के अनुसार चार में से एक महिला 'पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवरी सिंड्रोम' यानी पीसीओएस (PCOS) नामक अंत:स्रावी तंत्र विकार से पीड़ित हैं. बेहद आम बीमारी होने के बावजूद इसके बारे में जागरूकता की कमी होने के कारण यह खतरनाक हो जाती है. 50 प्रतिशत से अधिक महिलाएं इस बात से अनजान हैं कि वे इस विकार से पीड़ित हैं. सितंबर के 'विश्व पीसीओएस जागरूकता माह' होने पर डॉ. बत्रा मल्टी-स्पेशिएलिटी होम्योपैथी का उद्देश्य इसके प्रति जागरूकता फैलाना और होम्योपैथी के द्वारा इसके सुरक्षित तथा प्रभावशाली उपचार के विषय में लोगों को जागरूक करना है. 

अनियमित और दर्दनाक मासिक, चेहरे और शरीर पर बालों का बढ़ना और पतला होना, तेजी से वजन बढ़ने जैसे लक्षणों के साथ पीसीओएस अक्सर आत्म-सम्मान के कम होने का कारण बनता है. इसे यदि अनदेखा किया जाए तो यह बांझपन, मधुमेह, हृदय रोग और एंडोमेट्रियल कैंसर जैसी खतरनाक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं का कारण बन सकता है.

woman health and fitness

woman health and fitness: health tips every woman should know

woman health and fitness: health tips every woman should know :  health tips every woman should know Hello,  welcome to my blog    https://w...